An accurate picture of school life at Rugby School in the 19th Century is given by Thomas Hughes' famous book Tom Brown's School Days. Hughes was a contemporary of the famous headmaster of Rugby School Dr.Thomas Arnold who did much to restore discipline, order and learning to the Public Schools of the day and introduced the system of school prefects. The book tells of formal floggings by both masters and prefects as well as of illicit 'roastings' of junior offenders by holding them close to the fire until blistered, a punishment which Arnold did much to stamp out.
In general, from Dr.Arnold's time until the 1970's the cane was the standard punishment
for offenders in the State as well as in the Public Schools. However, in the State
Schools, canings were usually mild and carried out by the headmaster or his deputy.
By contrast, in the Public Schools, the masters concerned themselves only with teaching
and the maintenance of discipline was a matter for senior boys designated as Monitors
and/or Prefects. and selected both from the upper-
Discipline in the Public Schools centred round a complex tradition of privileges
and restrictions. New boys for example might have to keep all three buttons on their
jacket fastened, 2nd year boys could be allowed one button undone and 3rd year boys
two. Likewise, only sixth formers and those with sporting 'caps' or 'colours' would
be permitted to walk round the College Green clockwise, all other boys having to
move in an anti-
The number of strokes administered at a caning depended, in most Public Schools,
on the culprit's seniority rather than his offence. Thus a first year pupil would
merit 4 strokes, a second-
Although in more recent times girls have been exempt from the school cane, some of the more famous Girls' Public Schools caned, or more usually whipped or birched offending girls. Convert Schools continued the practice until recent times.
Because of the increasing violence and disobedience in schools, particularly in State
Secondary schools, there is considerable pressure from the general public for the
Two other considerations arise: firstly the almost universal distribution of coeducation; do we cane the girls and if not what do we do with them ? And is it fair to differentiate. Secondly the problem of who should do the caning. School teachers, already the objects of pupil violence fear retaliation out side the school from pupils whom they might have caned.
Some people feel that there is no obvious solution to the first problem except to leave things as they were in recent years and find alternative punishment for the girls. But there is no logical or medical reason why girls shold not be caned just like boys. They were in the past and still are in many civilised countries. The second problem is easily solved by the prefectorial system used in the Public Schools. Let a pupil committee decide the punishment and carry out the sentence; their decision will be respected by their colleagues.